Board Meeting Minutes – May 9, 2023
Meeting called to order by Supervisor Alan Jager at 7:00 pm
Pledge of Allegiance led by Supervisor Jager
Roll Call- present: Supervisor Alan Jager, Treasurer Bill Halbower, Trustee Tammy Jager, Clerk Malinda Pego, Absent: Chris Thompsen
Motion 01-05-23 to approve minutes of April 11, 2023 meeting by Trustee Jager, support by Treasurer Halbower, motion passes.
Motion 02-05-23 to approve payment of the bills by Treasurer Halbower, support by Trustee Jager, motion passes.
Business from the floor: Commissioner Lahring present, Ken McIntire 7880 E Lake Rd concerns with speed of traffic, would like 15 mph signs, Aaron Schwartz 7959 E Lake Rd said Little Silver Lake is a 55-60 acre lake, should cost $500 per acre for treatment, Dan Taylor 3550 Hart Road, concerns of Little Silver Lake, Ken McIntire talked about aeration of Little Silver Lake, Bruce Andree 7840 W Lake Rd talked about aeration and natural species on Little Silver Lake, Aaron Schwartz concerns with boat ramp on Little Silver Lake, Amy Gongalski 7981 E Lake Rd concerns on Little Silver Lake,
Treasurer Report Motion 03-05-23 to accept by Trustee Tammy Jager, support by Clerk Pego, motion passes.
Department Reports: Ordinance, Library, Fire Department,
Motion 04-05-23 by Treasurer Bill Halbower to approve $825 for Pontem Software for 1 year term support by Supervisor Alan Jager. Yes: Supervisor Alan Jager, Treasurer Halbower, No: Trustee Tammy Jager Clerk Pego. Motion Fails.
New Business: Cell Phone for Ordinance Enforcer was discussed, more information to be presented next month. Budget Workshop scheduled for Sunday May 21, 6 pm. Discussed DPW truck quotes, need more information presented next month. Library/Cemetery computer:
Motion 05-05-23 made by Trustee Tammy Jager to spend $498 for a laptop, support by Treasurer Bill Halbower, motion passes.
Trustee Chris Thompsen arrived 7:40pm
Future Business: Lake Management
Motion 0-05-23 by Treasurer Bill Halbower to spend up to $2000 for a consultation/evaluation to PLM for Lake Management of Little Silver Lake. Support by Trustee Tammy Jager Roll Call Vote, Yes: Treasurer Bill Halbower, Supervisor Alan Jager, Trustee Tammy Jager, No: Clerk Malinda Pego, Trustee Chris Thompsen, motion passes.
Motion to adjourn by Treasurer Bill Halbower 8:21 pm
Respectfully Submitted,
Clerk Malinda Pego