Board Meeting Minutes – September 12, 2023

7:01 PM Call to Order by Supervisor Alan Jager

Pledge of Allegiance

Roll Call by Clerk Pego, all present, Trustee Chris Thompsen, Treasurer Bill Halbower, Supervisor Alan Jager, Trustee Tammy Jager, Clerk Malinda Pego

Agenda Set

Motion 010923 by Trustee Tammy Jager to accept minutes as presented for August 8, 2023 regular meeting, support by Trustee Chris Thompsen, motion passed.

Motion 020923 by Trustee Tammy Jager to accept payment of the bills, support by Trustee Chris Thompsen, motion passed.

Business from the Floor, none.

Motion 030923 by Trustee Tammy Jager to accept Treasurers report as presented, support by Clerk Malinda Pego, motion passed.

Department Reports, Library Julie Vanderboegh, need Christmas lights, slider door, Cemetery Julie Vanderboegh broken gravestone, claim made to insurance denied.  Motion 040923 by Supervisor Alan Jager to pay $380 for gravestone repair, support by Treasurer Bill Halbower, roll call vote, Treasurer Bill Halbower yes, Supervisor Alan Jager yes, Trustee Tammy Jager no, Trustee Chris Thompsen yes, Clerk Malinda Pego no.  Motion passed. Permits, 7 Electrical, 4 mechanical, 2 commercial, 1 demolition, 1 utility building, 1 plumbing, total $3014.00. Fire Department by Chief Ted Hawk, 18 incidents, 2 mutual aid given to Blue Lake Township.

Unfinished Business discussion regarding Brunswick Road maintenance / repair, Road Commission brining and crushed concrete mixture combination.

New Business, Fire Department Request for New Engine Discussion, Motion 050923 by Clerk Malinda Pego to approve Fire Department to send RFQ for new Engine to replace 40 year old Engine 1920, support by Trustee Chris Thompsen. Roll Call Vote, Clerk Malinda Pego yes, Trustee Tammy Jager yes, Supervisor Alan Jager no, Treasurer Bill Halbower yes, Trustee Chris Thompsen yes. Motion passed.  Motion 060923 by Trustee Tammy Jager to accept Fire Department new Administrative Policies with Amendment to A-009, support by Trustee Chris Thompsen, motion passed.

Motion 070923 to accept Constitution Week/ 236th Anniversary Proclamation by Trustee Tammy Jager, support by Clerk Malinda Pego, motion passed.

Future Business Discussion regarding Little Silver Lake.

8:49 Motion 080923 to adjourn by Treasurer Bill Halbower, support by Trustee Tammy Jager, motion passed.

Respectfully submitted by Clerk Malinda Pego

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