Planning Commission Meeting Minutes – September 19, 2023

Meeting called to order: 7:13 PM
Roll call by Chair Williams: ALL PRESENT
09-19-1 Motion by Board Member Halbower to approve minutes. Second by Member
Slater. CARRIED.
09-19-2 Motion by Secretary Coon to approve agenda. Support by Vice Chair Monette.
No Public Comment
09-19-3 Motion by Chair Williams to amend agenda to include sub committee findings
and short term rental discussion. Support by Member Fanjoy. CARRIED.
Sub Committee Findings
VC Monette directs members to view map of township and shows areas the subcommittee are
looking at to change to R-1. VC Monette notes that issue with some of the lots are that they are
already split creating long ways so easements may be required. Monette suggests agreeing on
the areas that have best potential first and then look at easement/private road needs. Halbower
brings attention to making sure any easements are done well and that properties are
accessible for utilities. Halbower mentions the Land Division Act and how we have to keep the
4:1 split in mind. Board is in favor of the discussed areas as the preliminary choices. The board
will begin to look at road build requirements and come back to this next meeting to discuss.
Short Term Rentals
Board Member Halbower provides a local township short term rental permit and ordinance.
Board will review and come to next meeting with feedback to help build and shape a short
term rental ordinance of our own.
Solar Farms
VC Monette says the main concern is ensuring solar farms are decommissioned if and when
the farms are no longer used. Member Slater notates that the examples from nearby include a
requirement to decommission. Board Member Halbower notes that multiple people have come
in inquiring about a solar farm and suggest the board move forward with an ordinance.
Secretary Coon inquires whether we would work to include residential solar. VC Monette
suggests this should be done in a second ordinance.
09-19-4 Motion by Board Member to adjourn. Support by Member Eastling. CARRIED.
Meeting adjourned: 8:19 PM

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