Planning Commission Meeting Minutes – July 18, 2023

Meeting called to order: 7:04 p.m.

Roll call: Cheyenne Williams, Tom Monette, Louis Slater, Asa Eastling, Mike Fanjoy, Bill Halbower all present. Angel Coon absent.

07-18-01 Motion to approve minutes from June 20, 2023 by Louis Slater. Supported by Hill Halbower. Motion Carried.

Public comments: None

Tom Monette – add subcommittee finding to the next meeting.

Bill Halbower – add short term rentals to next committee meeting.

New Business – Solar Farms

Louis Slater – has received several calls from Consumers Energy about solar farms.

Tom Monette – we need to have a decommissioning plan in our ordinance.

Bill Halbower – we need to make sure we have a bond to fix any issues with the roads.

Closing comments: None

Next meeting: September 19, 2023

07-18-03 Motion to adjourn made by Louis Slater. Supported by tom Monette. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted by Cheyenne Williams, Chairman.

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