Planning Commission Hearing Agenda for June 24, 2014


Commission Members:          Chairman Tom West, Vice Chairman Ken Schaub, Secretary Julie Vanderboegh, Members Rodney Dial, Mike Cygeirt, Timothy Ylitalo & Board Member Bill Halbower


Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance


Roll Call – Present Absent


Amendments to Agenda


Review Minutes of meeting May 20, 2014


Chairman Declare; Public Hearing in now Open, purpose of this hearing is a Special Use Permit / Site Plan Review for a major expansion to the existing special use permit @ 7650 Skeels Rd. Pallet Shop, Applicant Mr. Melvin Mullet.


Mr. Mullet please state you intent.


Chairman Declare; Open Public Comments

Public Comments, at this time we will take public comments for or against this Special Use Please state you name and address.

Time limit three (3) minutes. The chairperson may grant extra time.


Correspondence directed to this Hearing

Chairman: Questions by Commissioners, clarification needed. Chairman: Asks twice have all had a chance to speak?? Chairman Declare; Close Public Comment



Conditions attached to this permit


Motion to approve/disapprove Special Use Permit With or without Conditions


Made by;_______________________ Seconded by; ._______________________ Discussion

Roll Call Vote



Reminder next meeting – July 15, 2014

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