Planning Commission Meeting Agenda for January 21, 2014
Commission Members: Chairman Tom West, Vice Chairman, Mike Cygeirt,
Secretary Julie Vanderboegh, Members, Ken Schaub, Timothy Ylitalo, Rodney Dial and Board Member Bill Halbower
Call to Order
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call
Amendments to the Agenda:
Review and Approval of Minutes, November 6, 2013
Public Comments, on non-agenda items, time limit three (3) minutes.
Please state your name and address.
Unfinished Business
Open Public Comment – Close Public Comment- Time limit three (3) minutes. The chairperson may grant extra time. Please state your name and address.
Update Holton Township Zoning Ordinances
Previously Approved changes; October 3, 2011 Changes to section 1.04 bb number 10 and 1.04G see hand out.
From the desk of Tom West notes on ordinance changes talked about in 2010 & 2011 see hand out.
Special Use language on other similar uses, set course of action, removal of “Other uses similar in character to the above and not specifically listed”, or ask Township Attorney to provide us with a definition of “Other uses similar in character to the above and not specifically listed”.
Received correspondence from Township Attorney on this item. Received response on December 4, 2013, see hand out.
New Business
Open Public Comment – Close Public Comment- Time limit three (3) minutes. The chairperson may grant extra time. Please state your name and address.
Commissioner Comments
Reminder our next meeting is, March 18, 2014 @ 7:05pm.
Continuing Education; see hand out