Board Meeting Minutes – October 13, 2020
- The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm at the Holton Township Hall, 6511 Holton Whitehall Road, Holton, MI.
- Pledge of Allegiance was given by all present.
- Roll Call of Board members: Clerk Hippler, present; Trustee Schroeder, absent; Treasurer Halbower, present; Supervisor Jager, present; Trustee Jager, present.
- Agenda set as presented
- 10120 Trustee Jager made a motion to approve the minutes as presented. Second by Supervisor Jager. CARRIED.
- 10220 Trustee Jager made a motion to approve the September 2020 bills as presented. Second by Supervisor Jager. CARRIED.
- Business from the floor:
- Ron Stitt, 5955 Brunswick- Wrote letter to board regarding issues next to his property on Holton Road he wants addressed especially relating to fencing ordinance. Board members viewed the ordinances differently.
- 10320 Trustee Jager made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented. Second by Clerk Hippler. CARRIED
- Department Reports
- Ordinance, Zoning, and Permits submitted written reports.
- Library- Zoom book clubs will be starting. The Fall/Winter Newsletter is available. Patrons musk wear masks when in the library.
- Cemetery- Sexton had questions regarding where the $200 weekend burial fee went. Trustee Jager stated that money should go to the Cemetery account and the DPW Supervisor should be paid overtime for weekend burials. Treasurer Halbower stated that the fee currently goes in to the general fund. Board suggests working with DPW Supervisor to establish minimum hours to be paid for weekend burials.
- Fire Department- Equipment inspection revealed 4 sections of hose that did not pass and will need to be replaced. Excess equipment that is in good condition will be donated.
- Runs for the month of September were down. Marvin Road safety improvement looked good.
- 2 firefighters completed their training and were promoted from probationary status. Congratulation to Eric Kanouff and Ashley Morrow. The Board thanks them for their service to our community.
- Correspondence-None
- Unfinished Business-None
- New Business-
- Fire Air Packs- 2 bids from the same company were presented, one being a promotional offer. Chief Hawk stated that 3 packs were examined and believed the packs presented would be selected by most area departments. Board was concerned about the budget and how to pay for them since they were not budgeted into the current fiscal year. No action taken.
- Purchase of Second Tabulator for Elections-
- 10420 Treasurer Halbower made a motion to allow the purchase of a second ballot tabulator using grant funds. Second by Clerk Hippler. Discussion: Trustee Jager wanted to be sure the entire purchase would be covered by grant funds. Clerk Hippler stated that half the cost would be shared by the sate and the remaining cost would be covered by a grant received from the Center for Tech and Civil Life. CARRIED.
- Future Business-
- Tires are building up at the Transfer Station and the county has a tire collection program that will continue next year. Supervisor Jager would like to look into a policy prohibiting tires to be dropped of at the Transfer Station.
- 10520 Treasurer Halbower made a motion to prohibit the disposal of tires at the Holton Transfer Station. Second by Trustee Jager. CARRIED.
- Fire Policies- Chief Hawk presented submitted policies for the Board to review and approve. The policies are needed to modernize the Fire Department policy. Supervisor Jager clarified that he Canteen operations fall under the Fire Chief with Board holding final approval.
- 10620 Clerk Hippler made a motion to adjourn at 8:20 pm. Second by Trustee Jager. ADJOURNED.
Respectfully Submitted,
Sarah Hippler
Holton Township Clerk
Unofficial until approved by Board