Planning Commission Special Meeting – June 20, 2023

Meeting called to order: 7:07 PM

Roll Call by Chair Williams – ALL PRESENT.

06-20-1  Motion by Board Member Halbower to approve May planning commission

                                meeting minutes. Support by Member Fanjoy. CARRIED.

06-20-2 Motion by Secretary Coon to approve agenda. Support by Vice Chair Monette.


Public Comment

Alan Jager, 8081 Holton Duck Lake Rd.

Speaks of conversations with fire chief and conveys that the department would like to see a 25’ buffer all the way around the Dollar General to ensure that the fire department will have adequate access should there ever be a response needed.

Dollar General Site Plan Review

Jared Devoursney is here representing Dollar General and Jason Raleigh with engineer firm.

Presentation begins with Mr. Devoursney going over a diagram showing the proposed layout which does leave room on all three sides of building for fire department access. Member Halbower inquires about storage of rain water. Mr. Raleigh explains the system process and where the water is stored. Speaks to systems being designed to last 100 years. Member Halbower inquires about the approach. Mr. Raleigh shares a 50’ plan. Vice Chair Monette inquires about lighting plans. Mr. Devoursney explains Dollar General will use downward facing lights and points to general areas they will be installed. Vice Chair Monette inquires about dimensions of building. 140’10” x 76’8” are the dimensions provided by the pair. Member Coon inquires about estimated timeline. Mr. Devoursney explains that is it being decided currently but ideally breaking ground by end of summer with a completion date potentially by end of year/beginning of 2024.

06-20-3  Motion by Board Member Halbower to support/approve the site plan. Support

                                by Vice Chair Monette. CARRIED.

06-20-4  Motion by Chair Williams to adjourn meeting. Support from Member Fanjoy.


Meeting adjourned: 7:28 PM

Respectfully submitted by Angel Coon, Planning Commission Secretary

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