Board Meeting Agenda – April 13, 2021

  • Call to Order
  • Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
  • Roll Call of Board Members
  • Set the Agenda
  • Review Minutes of Previous Meeting
    • Regular Meeting March 9, 2021
  • Payment of Bills
  • Business from the Floor

This is an opportunity for the public to give input on any agenda items.  Each person requesting to address the Board must give name, address and topic.  People may speak only once and are limited to three (3) minutes unless permission for longer time is granted by the board.

  • Treasurer’s Report
  • Department Reports
  • Correspondence
    • Muskegon Area District Library Letter
  • Unfinished Business
  • New Business
    • Fire Department requests
      • Replace lights with LED’s
      • Install outlets in the office
      • Purchase Rust-Oleum floor epoxy
    • Purchase banner for Holton 150 year Anniversary for $200
    • Brining quotes
    • Zoning change recommended by Planning Commission
    • Marijuana application for Ed Tayter
    • Appoint Tom Monette to Zoning Board of Appeals, making Bob Dausman an alternate
    • Resolution for Holton Duplex water system
    • Update Quickbooks
  • Future Business
    • Township Harassment Form
    • Holton Township Militia Public Security Act
  • Motion to Adjourn

Upcoming Events

  • No upcoming events
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