Special Board Meeting Minutes – May 11, 2021
- The emergency meeting of the Holton Township Board was called to order at 5:02 AM at the Holton Township Hall, 6511 Holton Whitehall Road.
- Pledge of Allegiance was given by all present
- Roll Call of Members: Supervisor Jager, present; Trustee Jager present; Treasurer Halbower, Absent; Trustee Thompsen, Absent; Clerk Coburn, present;
- Agenda
- Business From the Floor: N/A
- New Business:
Trustee Jager made a motion to approve the language and request for Resolution 05012021 for the renewal of the Fire Department operation and maintenance costs on the August 3, 2021 ballot. Second by Supervisor Jager. Motion Carried.
- Roll Call Vote: Trustee Jager, Yes; Supervior Jager, Yes; Clerk Coburn, Yes;
- 050121- Supervisor Jager made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 5:08 AM. Second by Trustee Jager. Motion Carried. ADJOURNED.